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Monday, January 26, 2015

Bubbly nail art =)

Hello my nail art lovers, how are you today?
I have a cold so I'm not so good, but I'm hoping I'll get better soon!

Pozdrav dragi noktoljupci, kako ste mi danas?
Ja sam pokupila neku prehladu pa i nisam nešto, ali se nadam da ću brzo ozdraviti!

Today I'll show you one easy but very interesting design that I've tried  few days ago but didn't have time to write about it!!

Danas ću vam pokazati jednu laganu ali jako interesantnu manikuru koju sam isprobala prije nekoliko dana ali nisam imala vremena pisati o njoj!!

I did 2 versions, one with the white frame other with silver!

Napravila sam 2 verzije, jednu sa bijelim jednu sa srebrnim rubom!

How I did it: / Kako sam to napravila:

I had 2 coats Always On My Mint by Essence (REVIEW) as a base, but you can use simple white polish!
Then I took peaces of alluminium foil and I put few drops of polish remover on it (you can use some kind of a plastic holder too, same thing on witch you would put polish when you're doing dots)! 
After the remover I put few drops of nail polish (color of your choice) and mixed them together, this step is important to dilute the polish a bit!
Then I took a Q-tip and dipped it into the diluted polish and did dots with it.... and the bubbly effect was here!! =)

Imala sam 2 sloja Essence-ovog Always On My Mint (RECENZIJA) kao bazu, ali možete koristiti i bijeli lak!
Onda sam na komadiće aluminijske folije stavila par kapi odstranjivača laka za nokte (možete koristiti i neku plastičnu posudicu umjesto folije, isto ono što koristite kad radite točkice) te par kapi laka za nokte ( boja po izboru)!
Izmiješala sam ih kako bi se lak malo razrijedio i onda sam sa štapićima za uho radila točke na noktima ... i efekt balonića je bio tu!! =)

 So what do you think? Would you try it?
Do you like the one with the white or silver frame better?

I što mislite? Biste li ju probali? 
Da li vam se sviđa više ova s bijelim ili srebrnim rubom?
Thank you for reading, don't forget to find me on
 Till the next time xoxo  

Hvala na čitanju, ne zaboravite me naći i na
Do slijedećeg puta xoxo  



Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Hello my nail lovers, how are you today?
I've received 2 Parrot Polish flakies to show you, and with a little luck you can win them or any other 3 polishes by Parrot Polish in my Giveaway that ends in 10 days!
You can enter HERE!!

Pozdrav noktoljupci, kako ste mi danas?
Dobila sam 2 flakies laka od Parrot Polish-a da vam ih pokažem, uz malo sreće možete ih i osvojiti, njih ili bilo koja 3 laka od Parrot-a  u mom darivanju koja traje još 10 dana!
Možete se prijaviti za darivanje OVDJE!!

Well let's get down to the polishes =)
First one is called SPECTRUM FLAKES and its a multicolored chrome  flake that has light green, gold, bronze, dark green, aqua blue and some purple flakes!
It's quite tick so it reaches full opacity with 2 coats by it's own. You can also topped it over black or some other color but then one coat will be enough!!
 It reminds me of lizards lol

Prvi lak se zove SPECTRUM FLAKES ima krom efekt i sadrži pahuljice raznih boja, ponajviše svjetlo zelene, zlatne, brončane, tamno zelene, aqua plave i nešto ljubičastih!
Dosta je gust pa su 2 sloja dosta za postizanje potpune prekrivenost bez podlaka. Može se i nanijeti preko crnog ili nekog drugog laka ali onda je jedan sloj dovoljan!!
Podsjeća me na guštere lol

 I also topped it with Matte top coat by O.P.I and this is how it looks:

Nanjela sam i Matte nadlak od O.P.I i dobila ovaj izgled:

Second one is called PURPLE PLUSH it also have chrome flakies in it but this time the majority of them are purple but also blue, bronze and gold ones!!
Formula is very similar to previous one!!

Drugi se zove PURPLE PLUSH isto ima krom efekt i pahuljice ali ovog puta ugl ljubičaste i nešto plavih, brončanih i zlatnih!!
Formula je jako slična predhodnom!!

 It looks more purple in real life.. the blue kinda stand out more on photos!!
Uživo je više ljubičast... plave pahuljice se više ističu na slikama!!

Overall I love them both! I think they're so unique and don't know witch one I like better =)
 Thank you for reading, don't forget to find me on
 Till the next time xoxo  

Sve u svemu volim obadva! Mislim da su baš posebni i ne znam kojeg bih prije odabrala =)
Hvala na čitanju, ne zaboravite me naći i na
Do slijedećeg puta xoxo 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

MoYou Nails stamping plates 112 & 115

Hello my nail lovers =) Hope you're doing great!
I started working 2 days ago, so I hope I'll have the time to write as many posts as before!
At the beginning  of this week I received a package from MoYou Nails containing 5 stamping plates, stamper, scraper and summer 2014 catalogue. 
It'll be better if it was summer 2015 catalogue but who cares about that when you have 5 perfect stamping plates :D 
I've been reading a lot of great reviews about them in the past so I'm soooo happy to be able to try them myself. 
I want to thank MoYou Nails for their trust in me and for giving me the opportunity to do this!! :*

Pozdrav noktoljupci =) Nadam se da ste super!
Nadam se da ću uspijeti nastaviti pisati barem onoliko postova koliko i prije, 
 s obzirom da sam počela raditi! 
Početkom tjedna dobila sam paketić od MoYou Nails sa 5  pločica za pečatiranje, pečatom, strugalicom i katalogom ljeto 2014.
Bilo bi bolje da je katalog za ljeto 2015. ali koga briga za to pored 5 savršenih pločica :D
Čitala sam puno dobrih recenzija o ovim pločicama pa sam jakoooo sretna da imam priliku ih i sama isprobati.
Željela bih zahvaliti MoYou London što su ukazali povjerenje u mene i omogućili mi da isprobam njihove proizvode!! :* 


Stamping plate 112 

As you can tell this plate is perfect for Valentines day nail art!
Although the images have some quite small details, the plate is so well done that even the smallest ones transfer to the nail completely.

Kao što možete primjetiti ova je pločica savršena za Valentinovske manikure!
Iako sličice imaju dosta malih detalja, pločica je jako dobro napravljena tako da se i najmanji detalji prenesu na nokat.

I've painted my nails with 2 coats of 2% Milk by Wet'N'Wild, then I've done and glitter gradient using Purple Blast by Parrot Polish. When that was completely dry I stamped the images from plate 112.

Najprije sam nalakirala nokte sa 2 sloja 2% Milk od Wet'N'Wild, nakon toga sam napravila gradient sa šljokicama Purple Blast od Parrot Polish. Kad se to skroz osušilo ispečatirala sam sličice sa pločice 112.

 I really like how this design turned out to be =)
I took so many photos of it so I'm sorry but I have to post at least 10% of them lol

Jako mi se sviđa kako je ispala ova manikura =)
Uslikala sam toliko slika da sam morala podijeliti barem 10% sa vama lol

For me this plate is sorta like a motivation board with some beautiful words. Don't have much to say about it except that it's great quality just like the previous one and the images transfer perfectly!!

Za mene je ova pločica kao "motivacijska ploča" sa nekoliko lijepih riječi. Nemam puno za dodati osima da je odlične kvalitete kao i ona predhodna, i sličice se prenesu savršeno na nokat!!

 Overall: The quality is great, images are beautiful and I can't wait to use them again =)
They retails for £4.99 but they're often on discount!!
You can check them out HERE!!

Sve u svemu: kvaliteta je super, sličice su divne i jedva čekam da ih opet koristim =)
Prodaju se za £4.99 ali su često na popustu!!
Možete ih naći OVDJE!!

Thank you for reading, don't forget to find me on
 Till the next time xoxo  

Hvala na čitanju, ne zaboravite me naći i na
Do slijedećeg puta xoxo 


Friday, January 16, 2015

Essence - 02 Always on my mint

Hi guys, I've finally find the perfect mint color :D yeey
 The polish called Always On My Mint is part of the Essence's Like An Unforgettable Kiss collection available from December 2014. to February 2015.
 I've bought this one in Muller for 16,90 HRK ( about 2.50 - 3 $ ), great price!!

Pozdrav ljudovi =), konačno sam našla savršenu mint boju laka :D yeey
Lak se zove  Always On My Mint  i dio je Essence-ove kolekcije Like An Unforgettable Kiss  koja je dostupna od prosinca 2014. do veljače 2015.
Ja sam ga kupila u Mulleru za 16,90 kuna, super cijena!!

  The color is so delicate and pastel and just as I wanted it to be <3 just gorgeous!!
I feel like its white polish with few drops of green <3 <3 
As for the formula, it's not so great. The polish is a bit tick it's also quite uneven on first coat but second one even things out!! 
Although the formula is not great I can pass that since the color is so perfect =))  
I used 2 coats no top coat for the photos!! 

Boja je tako nježna i pastelna i taman kakvu sam cijelo vrijeme htjela <3 predivna!!
Imam osjećaj kao da je to bijeli lak sa par kapi zelene <3 <3
Što se formule tiče, pa ona i nije tako dobra. Lak je pomalo gust i prvi sloj ne prekriva  jednoliko, ali drugi sloj popravi stvar!!
Iako formula nije super meni ta savršena boja nadomjesti stvar  =))
Koristila sam 2 sloja bez top coata na slikama!!

 Overall I love this polish I think it's great for spring. If you're into mint colors you have to have this one <3

Sve u svemu, volim ovaj lak i mislim da je odličan za proljeće. Ako se i vama sviđaju minti boje definitivno ga isprobajte <3

 Thank you for reading, don't forget to find me on
 Till the next time xoxo  

Hvala na čitanju, ne zaboravite me naći i na

Do slijedećeg puta xoxo   

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Stripes - Pruge

Hello my nail lovers =) 
This Sunday's assignment for the Matching Manicures are STRIPES, and this is what I've done:

Pozdrav noktoljupci =)
Ove nedjelje zadatak za usklađene manikure su PRUGE, i evo što sam ja napravila:

This design was inspired by soNailicious, great site with great tutorials!!

Ovaj je dizajn inspiriran sa soNailicious, odličnom stranicom sa super tutorialima!! 

For this design I've used / Koristila sam:

Parrot Polish - Santa Glow 
(red glow in the dark polish / crveni lak koji svjetli u mraku

Parrot Polish - Grinch Glow
( shimmery green glow in the dark polish / svjetlucavi zeleni lak koji svjetli u mraku)

Essence - The Green & The Grudge
(dark green / tamno zeleni)

O.P.I - Skyfall
( dark red / tamno crveni)

White and black nail striper

As I sad these 2 polishes glow in the dark =)

Kao što sam rekla ova 2 laka svijetle u mraku =)

 What do you think? 
I love these GITD polishes :D

I kako vam se čini?
Ja obožavam ove svjetleće lakove :D

You can win these or any other 3 Parrot Polish lacquers of your choice on my INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY! To enter click HERE!!

Možete osvojiti ove ili bilo koja druga 3 laka Parrot Polish-a po vašem izboru u mom INTERNACIONALNOM DARIVANJU! Za sudjelovanje kliknite OVDJE!!

Thank you for reading, don't forget to find me on
 Till the next time xoxo  

Hvala na čitanju, ne zaboravite me naći i na

Do slijedećeg puta xoxo  

Check out what other girls did Pogledajte što su ostale cure napravile :

1. Vedrana  6. tina  11. Sanela  
2. Mala Palčica  7. Mateja  12. The Red Queen  
3. Sanjin ŠminkeRaj  8. Easy nail art ideas  13. Kata  
4. GleeTree92  9. Leptirich Blog  
5. Mirela  10. nail crazy  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

MMS - Snowman / Snjegović

Hi guys, it's Sunday and that means it's time for another matching manicures! This week's assignment is snowman =) And this is what I've done ...

Pozdrav noktoljupci, Nedjelja je što znači da je vrijeme za još jedne usklađene manikure! Ovo tjedni zadatak je snješko =) I evo što sam ja napravila ...

Things I've used / Što sam koristila:

O.P.I - He Blue It This Time
Gothic Gala Lacquers - Crush (REVIEW)
O.P.I - Alpine Snow 
Essie - Good to Go!
Water Decals from Born Pretty Store / Vodene naljepnice sa Born Pretty Store-a (REVIEW)

How I did it / Kako sam napravila:

 I did an ombre with the polishes first, waited for it to dry and then applied water decals! If you want to know how I do ombre/gradient you can click HERE! I've wrote an entire post about it!

Prvo sam napravila ombre, čekala da se osuši i onda stavila naljepnice! Ako želite saznati više o tome kako ja radim ombre/gradijent kliknite OVDJE! Napisala sam cijeli post o tome!

Today was a beautiful sunny day so we went on a walk on the beach... of course I had to take few photos there :D

Danas je bio predivan sunčan dan pa smo otišli u šetnju plažom ... naravno da sam morala uslikati par fotkica i tamo :D


 So what do you think?

I kako vam se čini?

Thank you for reading, don't forget to find me on
 Till the next time xoxo  

Hvala na čitanju, ne zaboravite me naći i na
Do slijedećeg puta xoxo  

Check out what other girls did / Pogledajte što su ostale cure napravile :

1. Mala Palčica  4. GleeTree92  7. Leptirich Blog  
2. Velike sitnice  5. tina  8. Kata  
3. Mirela  6. Easy Nail Art Ideas  9. nail crazy  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)