
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Matching Manicures - RED!!

Hello guys, hope you're doing great =) Although Sunday is the day for Matching Manicures post, I'm a bit late for this one so I'm doing it today!! First I taught I'll past this RED assignment because I'm not really a red nail polish person but then I've been organizing  my polish racks yesterday and I realize I have the most amazing red color so I just had to use it and do this post :D

The red polish I'm talking about is Burning Embers by Northern Star Polish and I did REVIEW while back about it.. I also used it in my Little Mermaid nail art because I taught it look perfect for Ariel's hair ;)

So here's is todays simple look :

I've used chevron stickers from bps (REVIEW) and Kiko nail lacquer in black!
This design reminds me a little of Dracula and his teeth ... it's a bit Vampy in my opinion!

I also did a matte version of this design just adding my O.P.I Matte Top Coat, and I kinda prefer this one =)

How do you like my red/black design? Do you think it's Halloween appropriate? Let me know in the comments bellow 

You can also find  me on Bloglovin', InstagramFacebook and Twitter 

You can check out what other girls did here :

Till the next time xoxo


  1. Nisi svesna koliko mi se ovo svidja! Nije mnogo komplikovano a savrseno se uklopilo. Nisam sigurna ni koja mi se verzija vise svidja, mozda mat. =^.^=

    1. Hehe baš mi je drago!! Možda ih i sama probaš napraviti ;) stvarno je jednostavno! !

  2. Super izgleda. Meni se više sviđa sjajna verzija, a mat me podseća na jagode.

    1. Sad kad bolje pogledam i mene malo podsjeća na jagode lol
      Hvala ti :*

  3. Replies
    1. Hvala :) Ps izgleda da se svima više sviđa glossy verzija lol

  4. odlično, iako netipično za mene, ovaj put mi se više svidjela glossy verzija :D

    1. Hvala ti :D bit će da sam se malo zasitila glossy verzija pa mi je sad matt bolja... nisam već dugo imala mat nokte..

  5. preslatko! sviđa mi se i glossy i mat verzija :D
