
Friday, April 3, 2015

Milky Way Collection by Parrot Polish

Hello guys , hope you're doing great!
Recently I received the whole new collection from Parrot Polish to review so I'll be showing you that today =)
As you can see from the post title the collection is called Milky Way and it's limited edition. It consist of 9 polishes most of which can be used on their own or as toppers!  

Pozdrav noktoljupci, nadam se da ste dobro! 
Nedavno sam dobila novu kolekciju Parrot Polish lakova na recenziju pa ću ju danas podijeliti i sa vama =)
Kao što možete vidjeti iz naslova posta kolekcija se zove Milky Way (mliječna staza) i limitirana je. Sastoji se od 9 lakova od kojih se većina može koristit kao lak ali i kao nadlak!

 First I'll show you 3 of my favorites. These have a formula that is bit different from the rest of the collection. They consist of different colors duo chrome micro flakies and they're just gorgeous =D

Najprije ću vam pokazati moja 3 favorita. Njihova je formula nešto drugačija od ostatka kolekcije. Sastoje se od micro flakiesa različitih boja i predivni su =D

ESSENCE - has purple, pink and aquamarine flakies in transparent base. Purple ones prevail.
 I used 1 coat over black for the photos.  
It's just gorgeous and it shift colors depending on the position of your nail and lightning <3 

ESSENCE - sadrži ljubičaste, roze i svijetlo plave flakije u bezbojnoj bazi. Ljubičaste prevladavaju. Ja sam stavila jedan sloj preko crnog laka.
Predivan je i mijenja boju ovisno o poziciji ruke i osvjetljenju <3 

MOON SPELL - this one has more light blue/aquamarine flakies but also purple and pink ones. I also used one coat over black =)

MOON SPELL - ovaj ima više svijetlo plavih šljokica ali i ljubičastih i nešto rozih.
Isto sam koristila jedan sloj iznad crnog laka =) 

SUN GOD - is a flakie topper that shifts from gold to green. I used one coat over black. This one has that lizardy feeling to me lol 

SUN GOD - flejki toper koji ide od zlatne do zelene boje. Koristila sam jedan sloj iznad crnog. 
Ovaj ima onaj gušterasti efekt lol 

The rest of the collection has different formula, sorta milky lol with different pearlescent shine. I did all of them over black (one coat) except of earth life. Black makes the colors pop a little. 
But if you want soft, milky, pearlescent look than they can be put on their own. 
They reach full opacity in 2-3 coats if put allone 

 Ostatak kolekcije ima drukčiju formulu, nekako mliječnu =) sa raznobojnim perla efektima.
Ja sam sve nanijela preko crnog laka osim earth life jer nekako crna boja pojača perla efekt.
Ali ako preferirate blagi, mliječni, perla efekt onda ih moćete i same koristiti (bez crne baze).
Potpuno pokrivaju sa 2 do 3 sloja ako se koriste sami!

EARTH LIFE - the only one I used without black base. It's really soft milky polish with green/gold  pearlescent effect. These are 3 coats.

EARTH LIFE - je jedini kojeg sam koristila bez baze. Nježan mliječni lak sa zeleno/zlatnim perla efektom. Ovo su 3 sloja.

PLANET "P" - is a silver topper that shifts to blue. It sorta has a chrome effect. I used 2 coat over black for the photos.

PLANET "P" - je srebrni toper koji se malo presijava na plavo. Nekako ima krom efekt. Ovo su 2 sloja iznad crnog. 

 VENUS D' MILO - this on shifts from silver to purple to even greenish blue lol

VENUS D' MILO - ovaj se presijava sa srebrnog na ljubičato čak i zelenkasto plavo lol

JUPITER MOON - has a green pearlescent effect with blue shift. This is one coat over black.

JUPITER MOON - ima zeleni perla efekt koji se malo presijava na plavo. Ovo je jedan sloj iznad crnog.

MARS VACATION - bronze, red toned topper. I put two coats over black on my index and middle finger and one coat on my ring finger and pinky. I have to say I prefer the look that one coat gives!

MARS VACATION - brončano crveni nadlak. Koristila sam 2 sloja na kažiprstu i srednjaku te jedan sloj na  prstenjaku i malom prstu. Moram reći sa mi se više sviđa samo jedan sloj iznad crnog laka.

Last but not the least - NEPTUNE SEA - gorgeous blue topper. This is one coat over black.

I šlag na kraju - NEPTUNE SEA - predivni plavi nadlak. Ovo je jedan sloj iznad crnog.

The polishes retails for $12. 
You can get them HERE 

Lakovi koštaju 12$ i možete ih naći OVDJE!

I also made videos where you can see better the true color of them and shifts, I posted them on my INSTAGRAM account =) 

Napravila sam i videe na kojima se može bolje vidjeti prava boja lakova i kako se presijavaju, objavila sam ih na mom INSTAGRAMU pa ako vas zanima možete pogledati =) 

So what do you think of this collection? Do you have any favorites?

I što mislite o ovoj kolekciji? Imate li favorita? 

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