
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Nail Art Water Decals DLS - 193 from Born Pretty Store

Hello my nail lovers =)
Today I'll show you Nail Art Water Decals DLS - 193 from Born Pretty Store!
Pozdrav moji noktoljupci =)
Danas ću vam pokazati vodene naljepnice  DLS - 193 sa Born Pretty Store-a !
picture is from BPS web site
These decals comes in one sheet (as seen on the photo above) so you have to cut them on the size that fits the nail! But that really isn't a problem!

Ove naljepnice dolaze ovako cijele na jednom papiru ( kao na slici gore) pa ih se treba izrezati na veličinu nokta! Ali to i nije neki problem!


You cut the shape and dip it into the water for approximately 20 sec.
Then you remove white paper background and  place the image onto the nail!
I found out that they work the best if you dry them a little with a paper towel before you place them onto the nail. 
After that you have to press and keep pressing for like 15-30 sec before they're stucked onto the nail.
They are really easy to apply!

Izreže se naljepnica i stavi u vodu na cca 20 sekundi.
Zatim se izvadi iz vode i makne bijela podloga te se naljepnica stavi na nokat!
Otkrila sam da najbolje funkcioniraju ako se malo posuše sa papirnatom maramicom, prije nego se stave na nokat.
Nakon toga naljepnicu treba pritisnuti ( na noktu) i držati tako 15-30 sek sve dok se ne zalijepi. 
Jako se lako nanesu!

For the base I used the best white nail polish that I've tried so far - My Boyfriend Scales Walls by O.P.I.
The color is actually off white, with the grey undertone, but it's not very noticeable on the nails!
The formula is amazing, fully opaque in 2 coats!!
Although it's not in their normal range, you can still find it on eBay (I did)!

Kao bazu sam koristila najbolji bijeli lak koji sam do sada probala - My Boyfriend Scales Walls od O.P.I.
Boja je zapravo nekako off bijela, sa sivim podtonom, ali to se ne primjeti jako na noktima!
Formula je odlična, potpuno pokriva sa 2 sloja!!
Iako nije u sastavu njihove standardne linije može se lako naći na eBayu ( ja sam ga tamo kupila) !

So what do you think? 
I must say I love them, they're beautiful and really easy to apply =)

I što mislite?
Moram reći da su meni super, jako su lijepe i doista se lako nanose =)

You can buy them HERE for $ 1,99
Don't forget to use a code HE10K31 for 10% off

Možete ih kupiti OVDJE za 1,99$
Ne zaboravite na kod HE10K31 za 10% popusta =) 

Thank you for reading, don't forget to find me on
 Till the next time xoxo  

Hvala na čitanju, ne zaboravite me naći i na
Do slijedećeg puta xoxo 


  1. Joj, prekrasna manikurica :). Ovaj O.P.I.-ć je divan :)

  2. THese are simply gorgeous! YOu did a great job using them. I always have problems applying water decals!
    Love the look of your blog :X

    1. Thank you so much dear :*
      Water decals are the easiest way to have nail art for me. .. we'll they have to be good quality too :)
      Thank you for stopping by
