
Monday, December 1, 2014

MMS: GRADIENT + stamping plate review

Hi guys, hope you're doing great =) 
I'm a day late for this weeks matching manicure Sunday, sorry  :/ . 
This week's theme is gradient and since it's already a December I decided to post a winter design.

This is the design that I applied for the "winter is coming" giveaway run by Ditta's nail art & design, I hope it'll bring me luck :D

 I've used :

1. O.P.I - Alpine Snow (white )
2. Gothic Gala Lacquers - Crush (light blue )
3. O.P.I - He Blue It This Time! (blue)
4. O.P.I - My Signature Is "DC" (silver )
5. Essence - Cool Breeze ( effect topper) 
6. Essence - stamping white polish 

 I've used 1.,2., and 3. for the gradient / ombre! 
I did and whole post/tutorial on how to do a gradient/ombre nails so if you don't know how , you can learn HERE!!

For the stamping (snowflakes) I've used 3., 4., and 6. 

make-up sponge (for the gradient)
tape (to protect my nails and reduce cleaning up)
 stamping plate QA58 from Born Pretty Store
stamper and scraper
This is the plate I've used =) I must say it's perfect for this time of the year and a must have for any nail art / stamping lover! 
I pretty much used every snowflake there is on the plate, because I wanted to have all of them on my nails and because they are all different in the nature too so... 
It really made my life easier because I could never paint such small and perfect snowflakes freehanded! 
The quality of the plate itself is really good, even the smallest snowflakes transfer completely onto the nail. 
It retails for $2.99 and I highly recommend it to everyone who likes stamping!!
If you want you can use a 10% discount code HE10K31 
You can find this plate HERE!! 

So what do you think? I'm really happy how it turned out :D

Thank you for reading, don't forget to find me on

You can check out what other girls did here:


  1. rapsodija u plavom, manikura je totalno bajkovita <3

  2. Divne boje, a i ove pahulje su savršeme. :)

    1. Hvala ti :) baš mi je drago da sam uzela ovu šablonu jer super ispadnu

  3. predivna, zimska čarolija na noktima

  4. Ajme, divote!!!!
    Jako, jako, jako mi se sviđa!!
    Baš bih htjela nešto slično, ali nemam pečat s pahuljicama. Idem hitno na born pretty store!!!!!!
    Zdravoooo :)

    1. Hehe hvala ti puno... vjeruj mi nećeš požaliti , moj prvi blog post su pile pahulje ali freehand crtane i velika je razlika :D

  5. Definitivno jedna od najljepših manikura u zadnje vrijeme <3

    1. Mojih?
      Ps najljepši kompliment pa mislim da ikad :D
      Hvala draga :*

    2. Ma ne samo tvojih nego općenito ;)

    3. Wow hvala ti puno draga :D baš mi je drago da ti se toliko dopadaju :*
