
Monday, July 14, 2014

Step by step tutorial

Hi guys hope you're doing great!
Today I'm gonna show you one easy step by step tutorial of one soft and delicate design that I've made.

First you paint your nails a base color. I used "A Brush Of Lilac" by Tip Top Nails South Africa, you can read the whole review on that polish here.

1 Use a white striper to make a wavy line , and then fill the tips of your nails with a cream white polish 

2  Use a dotting tool or a toothpick to make white dots along the curvy line.

3  This time use a smaller dotting tool to make the dots inside the white ones previously made using the base color ( in my case "A Brush Of Lilac" )

4  Make another line, bellow the dots, with a silver stripper 

5 Add some dots bellow the silver line with a base color , add a top coat and that's it

 I think its very easy and simple to do , you only need 3 polishes and a dotting tool (you can also use a toothpick if you don't have the dotting tool).

Hope you like it and you'll try it... if you do please tag me or send me your pictures so I can see =)

Don't forget to follow me on 

till the next time xoxo  

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