
Sunday, December 7, 2014

MMS - Cartoon

Hello my friends, how are you? 
Today's assignment for the Matching Manicure Sunday is cartoon nail art, so I decided to recreate one that I first saw on cutepolish's channel!

 To be honest, I taught the assignment for this Sunday is something else and that's why I did this  easy and quick design (I didn't have enough time today to do something "better"). 

For this design I've used:

O.P.I - You're Such A Budapest 
O.P.I - Alpine Snow
Kiko - Black
Essie -  Good To Go Top Coat 
O.P.I - Matte Top Coat

First I've applied 4 coats of You're Such A Budapest, yep you'll need 3 to 4 coats for reach full opacity and to even things out. The formula is so watery and this is the only O.P.I polish that I've tried and don't like! I've bought it because the color is pretty and a LOT of bloggers and nail artist praised about it and recommended it,but it's really bad, at least for my taste :/
This is just second time I've used it, and I have it for months!! 
 Then I've done the black frame with Kiko black polish and striping brush, after that I've added white dot and stripe with dotting tool! 
I've put Essie's good to go first because my Matte top coat tends to smudge my art :/
Minute and few photos latter I added matte top coat and that was it =) 

Here's few shiny photos :

 And Matte ones:

And that's it =) What do you guys think? 
I like the way it looks on the nails :D

Thank you for reading, don't forget to find me on

 till the next time xoxo 

You can check out what other girls did here:


  1. super bojica, odlična manikura :D

    1. Hvala draga :) malo sam bila razočarana jer sam htjela nešto drugo napraviti ali nije bilo vremena :/
      Ali i ovo mi se sviđa pa je ok lol

  2. Dobro je da nisam jedina koja je na temu odgovorila ovako :D Samo si ti to izvela mnogo urednije.

    1. I sličan nam je odabir boja lol meni je i tvoj bas super :)

  3. Hvala ti :) boja je super ali 4 sloja sam morala stavit :/
