
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Matching Manicures- Chevron

Hi guys today I'm joining my nail art friends from the Matching Manicure group again, for this super fun chevron nail art.

I already did the chevron nails once, where I keep it as simple as possible. I've used only 2 colors and I did the same design on all of my nails!
If you want to read the post about that design you can simply click HERE!

But today I wanted to do something different!

As you can see, I did chevron pattern on my thumb and middle finger. First I've painted my nails white (O.P.I Alpine Snow), then I've waited for it to dry. After it was completely dry, I've sticked nail vinyls on my nail and painted over with black polish (Kiko), and removed them imediatelly before the black polish dried!
The vinyls that I've used are from Born Pretty Store and they're great! They come in 2 sizes, I've picked the bigger one and I must admit I should go with the smaller ones :/
It's not that's something wrong with this ones, they work perfectly, but I think the smaller ones would make a prettier patter on the nails. So keep that in mind if you decide to purchase these kinds of vinyls (go for the smaller ones)
The vinyls retails for $1.58, great price, and here's the LINK if you want to check them out =) for 10% off use a code HE10K31

I've painted my ring finger with my favorite silver polish - O.P.I My signature is DC (REVIEW)
and index and pinky finger with For Audrey by China glaze (REVIEW).

To make it a bit more interesting, I've added some beautiful ring studs on my index and pinky finger =)
The  studs are also from BPS and they are absolutely gorgeous, they look like diamonds with holographic shine, I highly recommend them to anyone :D They come in a round wheel and 4 different sizes. I've used the smaller ones for this design!
They retails for $4.47 and you can get them HERE! for 10% off use a code HE10K31

 And that's it. Hope you've liked my chevron design #2 , you can also check out what other girls did :

Don't forget to find me on InstagramBloglovinTwitter and Facebook    

til the next time xoxo


  1. Sviđa mi se kombinacija boja, što ne čudi jer mi je For Audrey još uvijek na WL :)
    Možda bi efekt bio bolji s manjim naljepnicama, ali meni se osobno sviđa s ovim većim! :)

    1. Hvala ti :) drago mi je da ti se sviđaju ove veće :D
      Ps For Audrey je moj prvi i jedini china glaze lak bar zasad lol
      Ja sam ga preko eBaya naručila i nije bio čak ni tako skup oko 6$ s poštarinom!

    2. Ma znam koliko je, imam ga na watch listi, ali uvijek neki drugi dobije prednost :)
      Makar mislim da sam vidjela da W'n'W ima neki dupe pa ću to malo proučiti :)

  2. Crna siva i bela su mi omiljene boje, i posebno sam odusevljena kako si uspela mint da uklopis u ovu kombinaciju. Ceo manikir je presladak, definitivno nesto sto bih ja nosila. =^.^=

    1. Awww baš mi je drago da imamo isti ukus :D
      Činilo mi se da mogu dobro funkcionirati ove boje pa sam probala i meni je super! Drago mi je da ne mislim samo ja tako lol

  3. Fantastična kombinacija boja, uredno i predivne fotke :)

  4. I have to try this pretty soon love this <3

    1. Yey :D please send me the pics when you do ... I would love to see it :*

  5. Such beautiful designs! Absolutely wonderful

    Made in Mauve

    1. Thank you so much :) I'm so happy you guys like it :D
