
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Back to school nail art tutorials

Hello guys =) how are you doing?
Since the school is just about to start I decided to do 2 easy designs that I taught will be cool for going back to school (rime lol)

First design is actually very popular and I was planing to do it for like a year now .
It's Argyle inspired nail art!

Recently I bought 2 O.P.I polishes from the coca-cola collection on eBay and I immediately  think of this design when I saw them. I will be posting review for them soon so stay tuned!

So how I did it?!

 1 I painted my nails with silver polish
2 I put striping tape in X shape, I've bought mine on eBay for like a 1$ ( lot)
3 I painted one side of X in black and other in this peachy-pink color
4 I've immediately removed stripes after step 3 ( don't wait until the polish dries)
5 and 6  I've used a white striper to do the lines, to complete the design.
at the end I've added a top coat and that's it =)

For second design I was inspired by my notebooks. I always scribble something when I'm bored =)

 This one is even easier then first one.

1 paint your nails white then make blue stripes with nail striper
2 make coral/red stripe across the blue ones
3 on this step you can make pretty much what ever you want with black striper or toothpick =)

and that's it =)))

These are my 2 easy back to school designs =) hope you've liked them and you'll try them =)

don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin', Instagram, Facebook and Twitter 


  1. dobre su ti manikurice :D
    prva me podsjeća na srednju školu, krajem osamdesetih sve smo nosile đempere s ovim uzorkom ;)

    1. Hehe ja imam čarape s tim uzorkom lol malo mi je bilo bez veze spomenut da su me čarape inspirirale i pokazat njihovu sliku lol
      Ps hvala ti na podršci :*

  2. Oba manikira su odlicna. I mene prva podseca na gimnaziju, nasa razredna je uvek nosila karo suknje. :D

    1. A joj haha. .. ps hvala ti, baš mi je drago da ti se oba sviđaju :D

  3. preslatke su ♥ neznam koja mi je draža hehe :)

    1. Aww hvala :D baš mi je super to cut/pročitat :)
